Empowering Police: Inclusion, Equality, Representation
Fighting for justice and equality in the law enforcement community.
Our Mission
Leaders of Vanguard Justice Society, Inc. have conveyed the direction of this organization through our mission statement with the hope to inspire and motivate everyone affiliated with our cause. Together, we can realize an inspiring common vision for the future.
The Vanguard Justice Society, Inc.’s mission is:
To promote unity and to further understanding, goodwill, and cooperation among all members within the Criminal Justice Systems of the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland;
To establish relationships with national, state, local, and community oriented organizations in activities and/ or programs of education, instruction, and other forms of civil involvements to help prevent loss of life, loss of property, and to advocate for due process in order to preserve civil liberty;
To establish and maintain positive relations between the Baltimore Police Department and the Citizens we serve;
To promote the recruitment and development of minorities into the law enforcement profession;
To encourage and enable the members of this noble society to continue developing as law enforcement professionals in mind, body, and spirit in order so these members may improve their lives in personal and professional pursuits; and to hereby establish the Vanguard Justice Society, Inc., Incorporated.

Email: info@vjsinc.org
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Phone: (410) 542-5777
Fax: (410) 542-8043